AROMOKEYE OLUWATOYINUhh.. testing the microphone 🎤Ehn.. there’s a lot of dust out here! (dusting microphone) testing 1, 2, does this mic even work at all? let's see... (trying to connect…Dec 2, 2022Dec 2, 2022
AROMOKEYE OLUWATOYINSleep, sleep, wonderful sleep…Yesterday, I had the worst sleep ever, no jokes… I slept for only 3 hours because I had a number of things to do, for times when I was…Dec 4, 2022Dec 4, 2022
AROMOKEYE OLUWATOYIN“It's not my thing”I find myself saying this a lot of times. Sometimes, I’m like why exactly don't I like a lot of things?Dec 5, 2022Dec 5, 2022